Be Inspired... Be Informed... Be Encouraged...
Supercharge Your Health and Weight Loss Success
With a Weekly Message From the No Sugar Coach!
Making big, important, meaningful changes can be a long and lonely process.
Once you get going... How do you stay on track? Where do you go for answers? Who is cheering you on?
We are right here in every issue of the "No Sugar Weekly" Newsletter!
Supercharge your health and weight loss success by identifying hidden sugar. But how do you identify sugar when you don't even know it's there? Now, that's easier than ever!
Every issue of The No Sugar Weekly is created to inspire and inform. Here's how you can benefit from The No Sugar Weekly:
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Who Is Cheryl Poulin?
I am a Certified and Licensed SUGAR® Assessment Specialist, HMA® Certified Food Addiction Counselor and Certified Professional Coach. I bring a wealth of coaching and counselling skills combined with very personal experience in dealing with addiction.
I help my clients discover new perspectives and opportunities to make lasting personal change. Those new insights enable them to address old and persistent challenges in new and innovative ways.
My empathy, understanding, and genuine care for getting the best outcomes for my clients, combine to provide lasting change for those who want it.